Carole, Sophie, Islin, Sachiyo, Miku, Anne-Françoise, Anouk and Rini (The “Couturieuses”) decided in may 2013 to start a new creative adventure : create a texquisite corpse.
Eight creatures were therefore created between june 2013 and march 2014.
You can find the photos of each step, as well as the final result, in the pages dedicated to each creature.

For this project, the rules were the following ones :
  • Each participant created a creature and gave it a theme. Eight creatures were therefore born and were handed over to  the seven other participants.
  • The exchange was secret. A neutral person gathered every month each creature, to redistribute them based on a pre-established scheme. A photo has been taken for each step
  • Before starting the project, each participant created 6 restrictive rules. They were all gathered in a cotton bag. At each step (except the first and last one), the participant took arestrictive rule from the bag and had to respect it.

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